In December 2018, I was contracted to record and stream Springback Magazine Live which would be broadcast to Facebook together with the local Bio Paradis cinema in Reykjavik, Iceland as part of the ICE HOT Dance Platform 2018. Together with Enya Belak-Gupta - the director of the show, Aadhar Gupta - the stream’s multimedia content manager and a local sound engineer we managed to successfully stream the show despite this broadcast being our most ambitious one to date. Throughout the 2h programme I cut between: three cameras (a Sony EX1, Samsung NX1 as well as a Canon 5D Mk III), 13 videos as well as multiple guest titles. This experience taught me what to look out for while cutting shots, how to give proper instructions to camera operators for them to appropriately frame shots as well as how to keep a cool head and meet a deadline despite last minute requests.